There are several warning signs that you or a loved one might be addicted to alcohol. However, they are not always obvious as alcohol abuse can also vary in degrees of intensity.
Sophros Recovery has the tools you need to succeed in your journey to recovery. If you believe that you or a loved one may need an alcohol addiction treatment program in Jacksonville, reach out to one of our professionals today at 866.374.0541.
Recognizing Alcohol Addiction
While alcohol addiction can be apparent through outward symptoms and signs, several screening tools are available to help determine whether or not a client has alcoholism. For example, CAGE is a questionnaire that measures the intensity of an individual’s alcohol consumption. If the answer to two or more CAGE questions is yes, it’s time to seek medical assistance. The four CAGE screening questions are:
- Have you ever felt the need to cut down on your drinking?
- Do you ever felt irritated when somebody criticizes your drinking?
- Have you ever experienced guilt about your drinking habits?
- Have you ever started the day with a drink to steady your nerves or recover from a hangover?
If you have difficulty answering any of these questions, it may be time to seek alcohol addiction treatment in Jacksonville today.
Three Signs of Alcohol Addiction
When excessive alcohol use begins to affect a person’s life negatively and causes harm, it is an alcohol use disorder or AUD. By recognizing the warning signs of alcohol abuse and getting proper treatment earlier rather than later, clients can alter their lives and increase their chances of recovery. Three common signs of alcohol abuse are:
Making Excuses
Often, if you are addicted to alcohol, those around you may begin to notice and ask questions about your alcohol use. This recognition might make you feel irritable or anxious and often leads an individual to make excuses for their behavior, such as being stressed and needing a drink or needing one to relax. Sometimes, these excuses are just ones you make to justify your habits.
Drinking Alone Often or in Secret
One of the tell-tale signs of having an alcohol addiction is drinking alone often. If you feel that you need to hide your drinking habits, it may be time to seek help.
Choosing to Drink over Other Obligations or Responsibilities
If an activity does not sound appealing to you unless drinking is involved, you may be addicted to alcohol. You may also choose to drink over other responsibilities, such as homework, finding a job, or self-care. Even if a drinking problem seems minor, it can be dangerous to ignore alcohol abuse symptoms. Seek treatment today at Sophros Recovery.
Why Should You Consider Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Treating alcohol use disorder should be completed under the care of medical professionals within the safety of alcohol rehab. Clients who choose to treat themselves independently without the help of a medical professional can often do more harm than good. For example, detoxing and experiencing alcohol withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable if not treated in a treatment center.
Seeking Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Sophros Recovery
When searching for alcohol rehab in Jacksonville, consider Sophros Recovery’s holistic approach to alcohol addiction recovery. Our outpatient programs offer a number of benefits, such as:
- We partner with both 12-step and non-12 step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART.
- Case management is part of our holistic approach to help clients have the resources to complete our programs.
- Our alumni support program creates a community of clients and former clients committed to living sober.
- Clients can access family support through both counseling and case management.
- We offer support in your recovery while allowing you to maintain a daily schedule.
- Our treatment center offers virtual and evening sessions.
- We have a veterans-specific treatment program.
If the signs of alcohol abuse become apparent for you or a loved one, it’s time to seek help. Contact our medical professionals at 866.374.0541 today to discuss our alcohol rehab in Jacksonville, Florida.