Man lays on couch, taking to doctor during treatment for benzo overdose

Finding Treatment for Benzo Overdose in Jacksonville, FL

Seeking treatment for a benzo overdose is critical. Depending on the severity of the overdose, hospitalization may be necessary to provide medical supervision and treatment. It is also indicative of a likely addiction. Fortunately, there is help available in Jacksonville, FL. Reach out to Sophros Recovery. We provide comprehensive addiction treatment services that are tailored…

man in support group receiving supportive treatment for benzo addiction

Finding Treatment for Benzo Addiction in Jacksonville, FL

Benzodiazepines, also called benzos, are a class of drugs typically used to treat anxiety and panic disorders. They work by depressing the central nervous system, which leads to a feeling of calmness. While they are effective at treating anxiety in the short term, they can be addictive and cause serious side effects. If you or…

two men enjoying the outdoors in recovery from benzo addiction

When It Is Time to Get Help for Benzo Addiction

Benzodiazepines, known as “benzos,” are prescription sedatives that can become very addictive and harmful when abused. Due to the strength of these medications, it can be very easy to become dependent on them. On top of that, your body can become addicted to benzos very quickly if you are careful. Benzo addiction is a very…