Person leaning against wall in the dark holding a bottle of alcohol and wondering if they need alcohol addiction rehabilitation

Signs You Might Need Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation

Alcohol addiction can have devastating effects on an individual’s physical and mental health, as well as their relationships and daily life. However, recognizing the signs of alcohol addiction can be difficult. Unfortunately, many people who struggle with alcohol addiction may not even realize they have a problem. This is why it’s crucial to be aware…

Woman struggling with a headache while experiencing cocaine addiction symptoms

3 Cocaine Addiction Symptoms

Cocaine addiction is a widespread problem that affects millions of people worldwide. Cocaine is a potent central nervous system stimulant that can lead to severe physical and psychological dependence. Individuals who use cocaine may suffer from debilitating symptoms. If left untreated, cocaine addiction can adversely affect an individual’s social, family, occupational, and physical health. Therefore,…

Woman in bed with headache experiencing physical signs of heroin addiction

What Are the Physical Signs of Heroin Addiction?

Heroin addiction has a devastating effect on the lives of individuals and those around them. This drug may cause severe and potentially life-threatening health concerns. Fortunately, knowing how to identify the physical signs of heroin addiction can help people get into professional treatment and recover. If you notice signs of heroin addiction, reaching out for…

woman on couch consoling another woman experiencing heroin addiction symptoms

Heroin Addiction Symptoms to Look Out For

Heroin addiction is a serious medical condition that can have devastating physical, emotional, and financial consequences for those affected. In addition to understanding the signs and symptoms of heroin addiction, the most important thing to remember if you or someone you love is struggling with heroin addiction is that help is available. At Sophros Recovery…

woman in individual therapy session learning what are the best practices for trauma treatment

What Are the Best Practices for Trauma Treatment?

Unresolved trauma can be challenging physically and mentally. It can lead to many symptoms, such as anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Fortunately, available treatments can help individuals manage their trauma and begin healing. Trauma treatment can also help prevent or overcome addictions that develop after substance abuse behaviors increase. If you’re…